"Good performance is achieved if you have to - the best, only if you want." (Pavel Kosorin (born 1964), Czech writer and aphorist) Various products and the company Allit AG Kunststofftechnik have been awarded in the past.
The German Design Award sets high standards when it comes to selecting its prize winners: The expert panels of the German Design Council use a sophisticated nomination procedure to ensure that only products and communication design services which have been found to stand out from the rest in terms of design quality will enter the competition. In GDA’s “Workshop & Tools” category, Allit’s ProServe flagship product impressed the panel of judges and was honoured with the coveted award. Here is what the panel had to say (translated from German): “The solid and sturdy tool case impresses with its appealing and modern design. It features numerous inside compartments and plenty of storage space for perfect order. The integrated lid brake is a fine detail.”
Great pleasure and pride at Allit AG Kunststofftechnik: The company has been awarded the pro-K award 2017 for its new service and assembly case series "ProServe". The pro-K award stands for quality in plastics and is the only price in Germany that exclusively distinguishes plastic products. The pro-K award is presented by the "pro-K Industrieverband Halbzeuge und Konsumprodukte aus Kunststoff e.V.". The product line impressively impressed the jury in terms of innovation, design and functionality in the product category for storage & transport systems. After several years of development, the suitcases were presented to the market in 2016 with great resonance and have since been sold under the Allit brand as well as under Customer brands distributed in specialized and mail order.
Allit AG Kunststofftechnik would not have wished for a more beautiful present for its 50th anniversary: Allit was admitted to the illustrious circle of the "Top 100", making it one of the 100 most innovative companies in Germany's Mittelstand. Jochen Kallinowsky confirms the importance of the "TOP 100" quality seal for the family-owned company: "This award emphasizes the innovative strength of Allit. Although no orders will be won as a result, the way there is effectively being prepared." Heinrich Schneider Messtechnik GmbH received many contacts to new customers through their first award, from which valuable business relationships developed.