The extended workbench for well-known partners from a wide variety of industries with development, design, toolmaking, manufacturing, packaging and logistics.
Reusable tote bin systems for transport, logistics, industry as well as intelligent, sales-promoting packaging solutions.
Partner of the retail, specialist and mail order business for private and commercial users. The range for workshop and warehouse equipment is subject to constant further development.
Where can I buy products by Allit nearby?
Consumers can purchase items from the product range through our trading partners. If the market does not have a product in stock, ask for an order. Every market can order items from us for you!
Simply enter your place of residence and the shopfinder will show you stores in your area that carry Allit articles.
Our online catalogs - Always see the current status of our product overview.
Warehouse, Shop Floor & Workshop
Allit 360°
Allit AG Kunststofftechnik in Bad Kreuznach ensures climate-neutral production and material cycle
The Rotlay holiday childcare celebrated its successful premiere this year. Our thanks go to the 1st...
Our new Rotlay trainees start their training at the Rotlay mill. This year, too, the focus was on...