Allit AG Kunststofftechnik

23 A good tool is the first step towards a good mould. After clearance by the engineering department, we finish our mould tools in our factory. Here you will find the people who not only con- struct simple mould tools but have also taken an in-depth look at what conditions these mould tools will encounter during the upcoming injection-moulding process. In the factory our trained personnel subject every mould tool to intensive testing under real-life conditions – checking every last detail, taking the mould tool to its load limits – all with the aim of fine-tuning the mould to render it as productive as possible and ensure that it meets our series production requirements, and of course those of our customers, too. They have to guarantee achievement of the costed production targets and reliability in terms of absolute repeat accuracy. That then allows precisely the same high- quality product to be made in enormously high numbers for many years with an infinitesimally small failure and error rate, preferably 0%. In the factory, the moulds receive their finishing touches, with the utmost care being lavished on them in what virtually amounts to open- heart surgery. The moulds are modified and optimised as necessary, degrees of wear are minimised, temperature fluctuations are smoothed out and the seal is subjected to severe challenges with the most rigorous care, in order to rule out any undesired effects. And each mould bears the ‘signature’ of its maker, so that those of us in the production line can recognise who has refined each mould into the unique item it has today become. No machine on its own is as good as a highly experienced employee working in tandem with the best machines in the world.