Allit AG Kunststofftechnik

45 How we thank our customers. Our firm commitment to continual improve- ment is, we trust, our gift to our customers. We enjoy confronting them with our favourite proposition: ‘We've figured out how to make your product even more brilliant.’ Even if our customer has not asked us to do anything of the sort (as is often the case), we continue developing the product, because we ourselves are also continually developing. One thing we have realised is that we stand out from the crowd if we help our customers to stand out from the crowd themselves through a mutually beneficial process that is very much in keeping with our inquisitive mode of thinking. We always apply our wide-ranging, holistic knowledge and experience in our dealings with our customers. To be honest, just being yes-men who execute orders without demur would simply be too boring for us. Industries are facing increasing levels of change, and globali- sation has led to a huge increase in competitive pressure. In view of that, we prefer to place ourselves under ‘innovation pressure’ before others do so on our behalf. Critically questioning the status quo, improving ideas, shaping and guiding innovative processes to achieve results that make us stand out from the crowd. For example with this suction cannula, which is widely used by dentists.